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Suicide is the leading cause of violent death in Maine, but there is hope. If you or someone you know are dealing with feelings so big you’re unsure what to do, you don’t need to face them alone. The Maine Crisis Line is always here and ready to listen.
It can be hard to name big feelings.
Big feelings look—and feel—different to everyone. Understanding the warning signs that come with these feelings can help you realize when you or someone you know may need help.
Here are some warning signs to watch out for:
- Feeling like there’s no hope
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Hard time focusing on school, work, or hobbies
- Feeling angry or annoyed often
- Mood swings or emotions that feel out of control
- Withdrawing from family, friends, or community
- Increased alcohol or other drug use
- Sudden changes in appetite
- Losing interest in how one looks
- Giving away valued personal items
- Taking more risks
- Thinking about harming yourself
- Wishing you could go to sleep and not wake up

There are many ways to manage your feelings. Not all of them will be useful for everyone. It’s helpful to learn about all of these tools to find the ones that work best for you.
ELEPHANT.When emotions start to weigh you down, or feel like they could crush you, it’s time to take action. Don’t let your oversized feelings turn into suicidal thoughts. Give yourself the strength to overcome big feelings and rediscover joy in the little things.
Here are some ways to help shrink that elephant:
Set Small Goals
Break down big challenges to smaller tasks to make them easier to face. This can help keep you from feeling overwhelmed and give you a sense of stability. Focus on one small task at a time.
Create A Routine
Make a daily schedule or reminder list. Having a set routine can give you structure, leading to less worry or uncertainty about what comes next.
Share The Load
Reach out to a friend or family member and ask for support. They may be able to lend a helping hand, or a sympathetic ear.
BOULDER.Depression makes it hard to move forward or find joy, but even small steps can make a difference. When you feel stuck, a helping hand can provide just what you need to shift the weight, reach out and ask for help. Find your strength to rediscover the lighter moments in life.
Here are some ways to help move that boulder:
Take Care of Your Body
Make sure you’re eating enough and drinking plenty of water. Eat healthy foods. Avoid drinking too much alcohol or using drugs, as they can make depression worse
Don’t Be Alone Too Much
It’s okay to spend time by yourself, but not all the time. Be with people who support you and understand what you’re going through. Being around other people at a library, park, or coffee shop can boost your emotions.
Let Someone In
When you’re struggling with depression, you don’t have to hide how you feel. If you have someone you trust, let them know you’re not okay.
THUNDER.Sometimes thoughts become a constant, loud thunder that shakes you to your core. You don’t have to face the storm in your head by yourself. Controlling your thunderous thoughts is the first step in finding the calm you need to weather this storm.
Here are some ways to help silence that thunder:
Pay Attention to Your Body
Even something as simple as pausing to take deep breaths can help you feel less stressed. Moving your body is good for your mood and can help with negative feelings. Start with easy things, like taking a short walk or dancing while you’re folding laundry. Do what feels good to you.
Challenge Negative Thoughts
Identify and challenge negative or harmful thoughts that are adding to your anxiety. Sometimes the more we worry, the bigger our problems can feel. Ask yourself if your thoughts are based on facts or fears.
Take a Break
Distractions can be a good thing! Get together with friends or family —think of something fun you can do by yourself. Getting out of your head can give you a break from racing thoughts.
FIRE.When anger burns within it can feel like a wildfire. Don’t let it consume you. Take a step back and find the water to put out the flames. Take time to cool off and regain control before your anger turns into a blaze.
Here are some ways to help put out that fire:
Identify Triggers
Recognize the situations, people, or events that trigger your anger. Understanding the root cause can help you manage it more successfully. Make a plan for how you can step away before your feelings get intense.
Breathe Slowly
Take slow, deep breaths to help your body relax. Breathe in through your nose, hold it, and breathe out slowly through your mouth.
Keep Yourself (and Others) Safe
When we’re angry, it’s easier to say or do things that we might regret later. If you can, find someone who can help you cool off when things get intense. Venting to someone you trust is a good way to let off steam.
CHAINS.Hopelessness can tangle you up and make you feel like you can’t move forward. These feelings may make you pull back from your life and avoid doing things you usually enjoy or being with people you love. Don’t let your big feelings turn into suicidal thoughts. Free yourself from what is holding you back and find strength to rebuild your sense of hope.
Here are some ways to help break those chains:
Help Others
Doing things for others can make you feel good. Volunteering or being kind to others can remind you that you matter to your community and the people who care about you.
Be Kind to Yourself.
Remember that it’s okay to feel the way you’re feeling. Give yourself the same grace you would to someone else during challenging times. It costs nothing to be nice to ourselves—and there are no side effects.
Talk it Through
When we feel hopeless, it’s hard to see a path forward. If you can, share your feelings with someone you trust. They could help you see the next steps towards a better future – or remind you of all the things you’ve already been able to overcome.
KNOT.Panic can tie you into knots, leaving you feeling trapped and tangled by your thoughts. Take a moment to unravel the big feelings that hold you back. Regain control and find a calmer state of mind.
Here are some ways to help untie that knot:
Do Things You Enjoy
Get involved in things that make you happy. While you might not feel it right away, activities you enjoy can bring a sense of peace and relax your body and improve your mood.
Talk About Your Feelings
Saying how you feel is an important first step. Tell someone you trust, like a friend or family member, how you feel. If you can’t find someone to talk to, check out our resources page for other options.
Interrupt Your Racing Thoughts
Try splashing your face with cold water, counting back from 10 (or 100), or listening to calming music. These actions can help you calm down and regain control.
MOUNTAIN.Some challenges in life may seem too hard, but every journey begins with a single step. Seek support and guidance to rise above the difficulties you face. You have the inner strength to climb the mountain and overcome distress.
Here are some ways to help climb that mountain:
Write down your thoughts in a notebook, on a piece of paper, or even in the notes app on your phone. This can provide a safe outlet for self-reflection and thinking through your emotions. You don’t have to show anyone. Even if you rip it up and throw it away, just the act of writing about your feelings can be helpful.
Limit Media Exposure
Set boundaries on the media you watch or read to protect your mental health. Try to avoid spending too much time watching news or information that may stress you out. Find positive outlets that make you happy and bring you hope and strength instead.
Help Yourself Reset in 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
Try to identify 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. This can help you ground yourself and focus on your senses instead of what is stressing you out.